what to do when youre in a bad mood

Waking up in a funk a little too often, or finding it difficult to kick those negative vibes? Look no further…

It's International Day of Happiness, and quite perfectly spellcheck turned this into Internal Twenty-four hour period of Happiness, which I retrieve sums it all upwards, entirely!

That said, a footling nudge isn't a bad matter so I've decided to create three blogs about happiness today, as my contribution to one of the best arbitrary days of commemoration around.

A large thank you to the YesTribe for throwing ideas my way. TribeSourcing is improve than Wikipedia. If you have annihilation to add, please practice so in the comments.

Many of these are actually obvious but sometimes we can't run across things when they're right in front of us. This weblog is best saved for when you're in need of a lift, so reach for that bookmark button.

Then, without further ado, here are a few ways to get rid of a bad mood or morning funk…

Concrete touch

Kisses and cuddles release oxytocin, the feel-skilful hormone. If you don't have a partner, ask your bestie for a good hug. I'one thousand lucky enough to have a girlfriend who has a Hug-o-Meter, and she reminds me that if it'southward not topped up enough she gets ill. This is a brilliant thing to tell your friends if y'all need some squeezes! Now, I'm off to give my best friend a hug.

Have a conversation

Retrieve someone who yous know will listen without sentence. If they are a friend with a sense of humour, even ameliorate. If there's no friend effectually, smiling and say hello to strangers on the manner to work. Proceed, I dare you lot, how many replies can you get on your commute?

Remind yourself that you're lucky

Gratitude is a wonderful tool. Write downwards a few things y'all're grateful for and remember that in that location is always someone having a harder time than you. Yeah, if necessary merely guilt yourself into feeling better!

Go Exterior

Become that blood moving and breathe in some fresh air. The better the view, the greater you'll feel. The outdoors is a perfect reset button and connecting with nature is scientifically proven to improve health, happiness and cocky-esteem, reduce frustration and approach meditative states with much less effort. Got a large decision to make? Never ever arrive in a room.

Go moving

Let your eye practise what information technology's good at and get that blood pumping. Do, especially outdoors, will put everything in perspective and make yous feel live. Go for a jog, a fast walk or a bike. Or choose another way to travel without a motor.

Get wet!

Beyond the feel-expert factor of cleaning yourself, dunking your caput nether h2o, taking a swim or having a shower will activate your mammalian [diving] reflex, which literally optimises your respiration past spreading oxygen levels around to all the best places, specially the heart and encephalon.


You don't have to become all cross-legged and zen to reach a college country of consciousness. The uncomplicated act of slowing downwardly, focusing on one elementary activeness (like gardening, reading a book or painting a wall) and actively switching off (your encephalon, as well as devices) lessens potential for distraction, stress and feet. I find that tabular array tennis works really well for me.

Requite yourself happiness, don't seek it

Detox from the digital. Social media is a hurting in the ass if you're predisposed to morn funks. Many online posts release dopamine into your organisation, a natural drug connected to motivation and reward. Basic [shallow] gratification through likes or watching fluffy kittens making friends with elephants activates the 'pleasance' pathways in our brain, merely your encephalon ain't stoopid, and knows you lot can have a more than healthy pick-based dopamine session — satisfying a curiosity, for example.

If y'all put your happiness in the hands of others, you lot'll never exist in control of information technology yourself.

Treat Yourself

Doing this in the morning isn't necessarily the best style to activate the satisfaction that comes from earn and reward (which is why we turn to our phones when we wake upward, hello Dopamine!), simply in periods of balance like evenings and weekends, don't forget to look after yourself. Mmm, chocolate.

Create your mood

Another bully way of setting the tone for your 24-hour interval is to control your inputs. Plow off notifications. Go your desk and surround in order. Brand your bed. Create a playlist of delicious songs that just make you happy and sing along to them. And yep, earlier you say it, music is another Dopamine switch. Want even more? Sing in a group!

Go to bed calm

Banning screens from the bedroom volition assistance you sleep better. Going to sleep happy will hateful you wake upward happy (fifty-fifty if you have a bad dream, yous'll be improve placed to deal with it). Soak in the tub or have a shower before snoozes, and don't get as well hard on the sugar after the watershed (although a little dessert is definitely not banned).

Exist kind

Ok, you accept to look later on yourself start (cue the old put your own oxygen mask on before helping others analogy), but our lovely friend Oxytocin besides comes to say howdy when we demonstrate emotional warmth. A smile or small gift, listening to a friend in need or simply opening a door for someone else volition trigger the good stuff. Did you lot know that Oxytocin also protects your centre past lowering claret pressure and reduces inflammation. Kindness is literally expert for the heart (and the balance of y'all!).

Eat outside

Seriously, try it. Catch a sandwich (or fish and chips) and sit down on a colina or by the river. Savor it. Tastes better than in the office, doesn't it?

Remind yourself that you're small-scale

This isn't advice to boys, that's just depressing. But remember, we're wonderfully insignificant. Look upwardly at the stars, embrace wide open spaces, close your eyes and imagine you're in the middle of the ocean. We're a tiny blip in the scheme of things merely we're also lucky enough to understand just how incredible it is that nosotros're hither. Appreciating this rather than getting caught up in the small stresses of being human tin can help put our days in a magical perspective.


The greatest tool for self development is our imagination, and it functions best without distraction. Every bit adults our creativity is drilled out of united states unless we give it space to grow. Teach yourself an instrument, larn to describe or brand a film, all the while imagining just what beauty you could create. Or visualise yourself crossing a end line of that marathon, or a longer, larger cocky-fix challenge. And don't end at that place, go do it!

Give yourself something to look forwards to. Sometimes nosotros can't dump everything only having a goal or carrot to pull united states of america through the mud is crucial at these times.

Open the memory banking company

Is it worth doing anything if we tin't call up information technology? Look through photos of skillful times (although non ones with that ex that made y'all distinctly not happy!) or read a journal. A reminder that life has its awesome moments will get you thinking most the side by side ones.

Cull positive over negative

Yous choose your mindset, not anyone else. Life is simple when y'all get past the complications, and most of the complications are in our heads. However hard information technology is, enquire yourself 'how do I want to feel right now' and and then requite yourself the right environment to find positivity, fast.

Be a journalist

I realised when I was paddling the Mississippi that even when something crap was happening, if I embraced a journalistic mental attitude and realised that I felt that manner for a reason and so I'd feel better, because I could make sense out of the negativity.

Living with a journalistic mental attitude has express my funky periods since and then, considering the down times are only part of a wider story. Negative thoughts, moods or deportment are ultimately just lessons. Although of grade, it helps if we're conscious enough to learn from them.

Create something

Pigment, depict, scribble, jot, plan an adventure, write in a journal ("But go my 'Shitty First Draft' on paper, as Brene Brown says, then sit with my thoughts and allow the dingy water to settle." — Cheers to Siobhán for this!)

Use an app

There are lots of apps that if used well tin can encourage meditation, mindfulness and plenty of the other helpful tips in this commodity.

Two pop options are Headspace and Buddhify

Shiny and New

Do something new. We are stimulated past new sights, feelings and experiences and the subliminal sensation of growth is a core gene in human satisfaction.

And finally, laugh!

Really, does annihilation feel better than having a giggle? Make a trivial YouTube playlist of your favourite comedy clips, read a funny book (Bill Bryson is my fave) or simply Google these gorgeously sarcastic postcards.

Of course, you lot could forget all of the above and just recollect to stand up up directly!

Thank you Nico for sharing this!

Finally, some gilt nuggets from the YesTribe:

"I ping a message in to my family to say hello and that I beloved them. Reminds me that I'k so incredibly fortunate and that's like a defib fashion jolt on my mood and brings me back to happiness."
- Jason

"Some mindful thinking & counting out loud things I'grand thankful for that twenty-four hour period. A expect at a few photos on my wall of friends & family to remind me of all the amazing people in life, and so send a message, or write a footling postcard to remind one of them how important they are to me. Plus, a little 30 second dance party to some cheesy pop works wonders."
- Amanda

"When things suck for me, I immediately wait for means I can help someone else. I put a mail in my FB grouping asking what I tin practise to support someone that day, then I practice everything everyone asks of me. And then I feel AWESOME."
- Crystal

"The very cheesy song — 'Hold on' — Wilson Philips, had a huge effect on me — "No one can change your life except for you". So i call back of that song when I am downward…"
- Tracey

"I believe people often forget what makes them happy, so creating a list of 100 happy words is a adept place to start — and often what makes us happy is much simpler than we think and right within our grasp. My own list included everything from time with my married man, to my family, to red boom polish and climbing mountains."
- Esther

"I endeavour and do something I have never done before. No matter how small-scale information technology might exist. Information technology could exist as simple every bit cook something new or attempt to run a Pb (the physical achievements piece of work specially well to lift my mood)."
- Tee

"I scout Jeremy Kyle and that always reminds me how lucky I am!"
- Carolanne Waters

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For regular feeds of positivity, run a risk, audacity and ideas for squeezing all the juice you can out of your time as a human, give me a follow on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, visit my website for an archive of adventures and projects, and sign up to my monthly newsletter.

Accept an awesome day. Say aye more!


Source: https://medium.com/@DaveCorn/22-ways-to-get-rid-of-a-bad-mood-3aed5150f15f

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