Romeo Y Julieta Desde 1875 Habana Cuba Review

Romeo Y Julieta 1875 (Habana)

Size: 5.5 x 52 Torpedo (Campana)

Body: Balmy

Cost: ??

Country of Origin: Habana, Cuba




Due to the mellifluent and kind gesture of my Face Book pal, Matt Speranza, I have a few Cuban cigars in which to review and savour.

I am going to do 3 of the reviews in one. And so I am going to stop the reviews with the filthiest rock n roll story yous've ever heard.

The sniff presents mild graham cracker and ginger with a tad bit of vanilla.

Construction is fantabulous with an almost vein free wrapper. The color is a tawny brown. The belicoso cap is very well done. Seams are a bit loose, merely and then, so are mine.

Now the RYJ is a mild tasting, yet flavorful, cigar. So I light it up to see what nosotros shall see.

Initially, I get a very mild tobacco flavor with just the hint of spice. That is followed by the graham cracker and vanilla. The stick begins to quickly option up some grapheme and dashing away from the slight blandness at the commencement.



The burn is a bit erratic..similar the hair on my brow. And as information technology hits the 1" mark, the burn line seems similar it'southward going to need my aid…but lo and behold, information technology corrects itself.

At the end of the starting time third, the flavors expand nicely are well balanced and earthy. Smoke pours from the foot. That piddling iota of spice makes the cigar a perfect residual for something so mild in force.

At the halfway point, the flavors gain a complexity that I hadn't expected. A sweetness tobacco flavor, a mild cocoa component, some baking spices, and blackness pepper.

As the cigar enters the terminal third, a load of creaminess enters the flavor profile. Information technology enhances the cocoa nicely.

The final 3rd is but goddam delicious. I rarely smoke mild body cigars because virtually blenders don't know how to combine power with flavor. This cigar is spot on..and even though considered balmy in body, this last couple of inches ramps up the power to a nice medium equally a flourish and good-goodbye.

Conspicuously, I can't recommend this in the usual way as it was gifted to me by buddy, Matt. But I tin say that poor Cuban torecedores and blenders did a wonderful job and it was a real pleasure to have smoked it. Thanks Matt.

Montecristo Petit Edmundo (Habana, Cuba)


Size: 4.125 x 52

Torso: Full

Country of Origin: Habana, Cuba

Right off the bat, this cigar has a bona fide breeding cup. Cigar Aficionado gave it a 94 in 2007. And it was as well called one of "Cuba's Stars" in that same mag.

Structure is near flawless save for a few veins. It has an absolutely flawless cap.

I sniff away and basically go strong tobacco aroma without any impediments.

I punch the cap but I become tremendous resistance and am afraid I will crack it so I go to my ice pick tool and twist it in nigh ½". The cap is equally hard every bit a stone. And in doing so, crack the wrapper around the hole.

As it turns out, the entire cigar is like a rock. The describe is terrible. I decide I must exist fell to be kind and force the ice pick in even further which distresses the wrapper even more than. The plug seems to run the entire length of the cigar. I endeavour using the selection on the ash just even the ash is like obsidian. Now I am really frustrated.

Success! But I accept cracked the wrapper all the style down to the band.



My photos ain't going to be pretty. But at least at present, I can smoke it.

The sinking feeling that this cigar may be a full loss looms in front of me. At that place is however a plug between both holes I fabricated with the ice option. And the wrapper isn't getting any ameliorate.

Fuck it. I push the selection in the entire fashion well-nigh destroying the cigar. No amount of cigar glue volition set this. Air streams from the wrapper making it impossible to depict on…it sounds like a whistle.

I give upward and this was the cigar I was most looking forward to smoking.

Time to move on…

Cohiba Esplendido (Habana, Cuba)


Size: 7 ten 47

Body: Medium

Price: $30

State of Origin: Habana, Cuba

This is a beautiful cigar….a light tan with a few veins. An oily sheen. A flawless triple cap.

Sniffing around shows off graham cracker, dearest, and strong earthiness.

With swell trepidation, I punch and light. Perfect draw…what a relief!



Loads of woodiness enter and dance around my palate. The cigar starts off right at medium in body. The burn line is a bit erratic and then my fingers are crossed. I would prefer not to touch up anything later what I went through on the Montecristo.

An inch in, I go some nice red pepper. Information technology mixes with some lovely creaminess. I am forced to touch up the human foot.

The first third is unremarkable. The flavors from early continue to escalate and seems to be in a bustle to get somewhere. The draw becomes a bit more difficult…simply non untenable.

And then at the halfway point, a French vanilla enters the profile. It tames the woodiness by adding creaminess.

The cigar burns very slowly and I will come back to it.


Every bit the 2d one-half melts abroad, the power moves up. Now we're talking. The scarlet pepper is the near prevalent flavor with the milder, before flavors post-obit in lock pace.

Similar most smokers, nosotros associate a dark maduro or an Ecuadorian wrapper for a strong cigar. So this caught me off guard with its cute Bambi-like appearance. Those wily Cubans.

The last third is running on all cylinders and is the surprise of the three cigars. The creaminess of the vanilla is gorgeous. The spiciness has my sinuses wide open.

Clearly, the torcedore did a wonderful job on this stick. Simply at the going rate of $xx-$30 a stick, I expect the best. And I'm digging this cigar.

Well, at that place you take information technology. Three of the biggest, and oldest, names of Cuban cigars in a nutshell.

I would have loved to accept the option of smoking a 2nd cigar equally the odds of the same bug occurring would be close to cypher. But this was fun and I want to thank Matteo Speranza over again for his kindness and generosity.

I recall I will relieve the stone n ringlet story for some other review.




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